How Did We End Up Here?

Our fascination with the USA is nothing new.  We have visited as brand-new college graduates, later as newlyweds, and even later still, a “can this become our new home” trip with two little kids in tow.  Since that question was answered with a big resounding YES, we made the final decision and started the “Big Move”.

We gave ourselves 6 months to prepare for this life-changing event.

At the time, we were both working for the family business, owned a house, a couple of other properties, cars, a bike, had a handful of pets, closets full of “stuff” and the idea of packing up and moving to Atlanta, GA was a bit daunting, to say the least.  We had to say goodbye to our family, our best friends and a life we loved.


Time seemed to slow down.  We were constantly adding items to the “do before we move” list.  My brother Gary not only offered to buy our house but also decided to join the family business.  Not only did this give us some peace of mind about the business, but we no longer felt like we were leaving my parents with too much to handle.

End of May 2011 rolled around and just like that, time was up.  No more belongings to sell, no more school for the kids, and no more time for tearful goodbyes.

The Joubert family boarded a one-way flight that would take us from Cape Town to (Johannesburg, to Abu Dhabi, to Paris, to New York, and finally to) Atlanta, GA.

It was time to start our new life in the USA.

Next up – Preparing to Move.  Just know that although it isn’t easy or fast, it can be done.

“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” William Arthur Ward

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